In microdiffusion (diffuser), it is an excellent atmospheric antiseptic which allows to purify and to aromatize the air, and to protect itself thus against the infections. In massage, it helps to fluidifie the secretions of the respiratory tracts, thus supporting their evacuation. It is indicated in the cases of cooling,...
The dream catcher is a handcrafted object of Amerindian origin made for thousands of years. It consists of a wooden hoop in the middle of which a spider web is woven. A small stone is inserted in the web and feathers are hung at the bottom of the hoop. During...
Une astrologie de la Terre Mère Auteurs : Sun Bear et Wabun On connaît peu la sagesse des civilisations indiennes de l'Amérique du Nord, sans doute parce qu'elles n'ont pas laissé d'écrit. Présentée comme une "astrologie de la Terre", La Roue de la Médecine comble en partie cette lacune. Ce...
The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals by Jamie Sams et David Carson The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals is the original animal divination card deck and book. The information and divination system used in the book is based on ancient animal wisdom as told...
Traditions et enseignements des Indiens Cherokee par Dhyani Ywahoo Surmonter les obstacles au bonheur et aux bonnes relations, découvrir sa véritable raison d’être, répandre la paix et célébrer l’abondance, mais aussi préserver la planète : Dhyani Ywahoo, membre de la nation cherokee, partage dans ce livre les inestimables enseignements de ses...
Traditionally smudge was burned in a shell, abalone being the favorite amongst most Native Americans. The abalone is a beaufitul shell with little holes on the side that provides good ventilation. It will resist high temperatures without cracking. The abalone, for some tribes, is symbolic of the Great Goddess of...
Traditional Native Americans perform smudging (burning sacred herbs) to purify places, people and events. Sweet Grass is the most feminine of the incenses used for smudging. It is used to attract beneficial energies. To burn sweetgrass spread the blades at one end, and light, preferably with a wooden match. Then...
The brooch is made from the medicinal herb sweetgrass, commonly known as « Mother Earth's hair ». The three strands of the braid symbolize the body, heart and mind. It is said that when the brooch is worn, you are connected or grounded with Mother Earth. The medicinal herbs protect...
White pine EO is recommended to help in case of bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma and other respiratory tract diseases. Microdiffusion (using a diffuser) will help disinfect the air and improve breathing. Very antiseptic, it is used in microdiffusion to disinfect the premises or the rooms of the patients. Use: In diffuser...
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